[tlhIngan Hol] Beginner's text and questions

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Feb 16 07:21:22 PST 2022

As to whether {yIn} “live” can take an object :

(DloraH, 1/2006):  [Okrand] signed my KGT {tlhIngan yIn DayIn}. I don't remember now what he said afterwards, but I remember taking it as a hint that this was not completely grammatical but could be said.

(Okrand to charghwI', HQ 7.4 [12/1998]):  For example, I've used the word {yIn} transitively. "You live a Klingon life." That's perfectly acceptable in Klingon. It's perfectly acceptable in English, too, but it is not obvious from the short definition in the dictionary that that would be an okay thing to do.
… but I couldn’t find another example however.  WRT to {tIv} “enjoy” :

(Lieven 12/12/2013):  [Maltz] said he has been asked before about “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year”.  He thought they were silly things to say (and, of course, there are no traditional Klingon ways to say these things), but he said that if you have to say “Happy New Year”, you could say {DIS chu' yItIv} or {DIS chu' DatIvjaj} or {DIS chu' botIvjaj} or the like.

I agree with De’vID that {SIQ} “endure” would seem *le mot juste* :

   yIn nI' yISIQ 'ej yIchep
   Live long and prosper! (RT)

  'oy' DaSIQjaj
  May you endure the pain! (PK; a good thing to Klingons)
  yIn DayajmeH 'oy' yISIQ.
  To understand life, endure pain. (TKW)

  QIt ghaHvaD yIn Hegh je vIghojmoH ‘ej ‘oy’ SIQ ghaH
  And teach him life and death, the slow and painful way! (PB)
Finally note the difference between {tu’be’lu’} :

   QuvlIjDaq yIH tu'be'lu'jaj
   May your coordinates be free of tribbles! (PK)

   vaSvamDaq tuq veng je quvvaD Heghqangbogh
    SuvwI’ tu’be’lu’’a’
   Is there nobody in this hall prepared to die for the honor
    of your tribe and city? (PB)

and {tu’lu’be’} :

   SuvwI'pu' qan tu'lu'be'
   There are no old warriors. (TKW)

   'Iw HIq yap tu'lu'be'
   Sufficient bloodwine does not exist.  (qep'a' 2014
   Secrecy Proverb)

From: tlhIngan-Hol On Behalf Of De'vID
On Wed, 16 Feb 2022 at 13:41, <luis.chaparro at web.de<mailto:luis.chaparro at web.de>> wrote:
'ewrop DIvI' 'oHtaH'a' 'ewrop DIvI''e'?
   [ ... ]
poH nI' bov chep wIyInpu' 'ewropngan.

As always, I would appreciate any help / correction in order to improve my Klingon. I also have four short questions:
3. Can we put other suffixes between *tu'* and *lu'* when meaning *there is/are* like in *tu'choHlu'pu'*?

Yes. {tu'lu'} is just the verb {tu'} plus the suffix {-lu'}, and (if it makes sense) verb suffixes can go in between. The only canon example I found was {QuvlIjDaq tu'be'lu'jaj} which has the rover {-be'} between them.
    [ … ]
Also, I'm not sure that you can {yIn} a {bov chep}. I think {SIQ} is the right word, even though in English "endure" is usually used for negative experiences. Or maybe one could use {tIv}, though I don't know if Klingons would "enjoy" a prosperous era in the meaning of {tIv}.
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