[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: 'InDogh

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Aug 24 09:03:08 PDT 2022

Klingon word: 	'InDogh
Part of speech: 	noun
Definition: 	syllable
Source: 	qep'a' 26 [2019]
AFAIK never used in a sentence.

PUN:  {‘In Dogh}  “silly bell”

  Spock tells Romulan D’Tan the the symbols on his old toy blocks were “the syllabic nucleus of the Vulcan language”. (TNG “Unification Pt. II”)

mu’ 		word (n)
ghogh 		voice (n)
qol 		pronounce (v)

QIch 		speech [i.e. vocal sounds] (n)
QIch wab  	individual speech sound (n) [ie. phoneme?]

wab naQ 	vowel (n)
wab poD 	consonant (n)
  - “refers to sounds, not letters or glyphs” (qep’a’ 2019)

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
    Please contribute relevant vocabulary or notes from the last 
    year or two. I’ve fallen woefully behind in updating my files.

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