[tlhIngan Hol] {pong} {ponglu'} {luponglu'} using the verb {pong} for many names

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 00:27:32 PDT 2022

On Mon, 11 Apr 2022 at 13:51, mayqel qunen'oS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:

> There's a chancellor who goes by the names of ghawran, torgh, valQIS, and
> several other names as well.
> I want to say "they call the chancellor as ghawran, torgh, valQIS, and by
> several other names".
> So I write:
> QangvaD ghawran, torgh, valQIS, latlhmey je luponglu'
> Or perhaps:
> QangvaD ghawran, torgh, valQIS, latlh pongmey je luponglu'
> Are the above two klingon sentences correct? Or do these sentences
> actually say that "they call the chancellor ghawran, torgh, valQIS, and
> they call him {latlhmey}/{latlh pongmey} as well"?
> Does the presence of the {latlhmey}/{latlh pongmey} in the "name slot" of
> the {XvaD Y ponglu'} construction necessarily mean that they are to be
> understood as actual names, instead of normal words?

There's no problem with interpreting them as normal words meaning "others,
other names". A number of known Klingon names are common words, and they
haven't caused any serious problems. I expect that, were some Klingon to
name their child {latlhmey} for some weird reason, and you wanted to say
"they're called ghawran, torgh, valQIS, and 'latlhmey' ", you'd have to
indicate that by marking the name {latlhmey} somehow when writing in
Klingon (like I did in English with quotation marks).

Also, consider the expressions {latlh je}, {latlh latlh latlh}, and {taH
taH taH} (which were revealed at qep'a' cha'maH javDIch).

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