[tlhIngan Hol] 'elaDya' Hol 'eSpanya' Hol je (Beginner's text and questions)

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Sep 16 12:13:49 PDT 2021

On 9/16/2021 1:54 PM, luis.chaparro at web.de wrote:
> 'elaDya' Hol lubopbogh QIn vIlaDpu' 'ej wanI' tlhaQ vIqawnIS.

Daqaw*nIS*? qatlh?

> wa' ben*Rhodes*  'ambay wISuchpu' be'nalwI' jIH je. 'IHqu' 'ambay, bIQ'a' HeHmey Dun tu'lu', 'ach Dajqu'bogh vengmey tIQ tu'lu' je. DochHa'qu' nganDaj.
> DuSaQDaq 'elaDya' Hol tIQ vISaDpu',


>   'ach 'elaDya' Hol vur vIjatlhlaHbe'. Sep vISuchbogh Hol 'op mu'tlhegh vIghoj reH 'e' vInID, vaj mebpa'meyDaq Qe'meyDaq je jIvunmeH loQ 'elaDya' Hol vIjatlh. ghIq nom 'elaDya' Hol lujatlhchoH 'elaDya'ngan ('ej pagh vIyajlaHba'), 'elaDya'ngan jIH 'e' luHarmo'. qatlh? jIvalqu'mo'? ghobe'. pImqu' 'elaDya' Hol, 'eSpanya' Hol je, 'ach rurqu'chuq QIch wab Ho'DoSchaj. jum ngoDvam. 'elaDya'nganpu' rurqu' je 'eSpanya'nganpu'. jawbogh 'elaDya'nganpu' vI'IjDI', 'eSpanya' Hol vIyajlaHbe'bogh lujatlh rut 'e' vIHar.
> As usual, I would appreciate any help / correction in order to improve my Klingon. I also have four questions:
> 1. Is */Rhodes/  'ambay* right or should I say *'ambay/Rhodes/*? That leads me to another question: How do appositions work in Klingon?

We don't have any hard and fast rules for appositives in Klingon. Pretty 
much take your best guess. I think most of the place names we've seen 
take the form /Name Feature,/ so you'd be safe doing it that way. For 
instance, *ghevchoq Sep*/Gevchok region./

> 2. Should I say*rurchuqqu'* instead of *rurqu'chuq*? For me, *rurqu'chuq*  makes more sense, since I don't want to emphasize the reciprocity, but the similarity.

Yes, say *rurqu'chuq* for that reason.

> 3. What is exactly the difference between *'Ij* and*Qoy*?

The difference is partly explained in /The Klingon Way:/ "The verb *Qoy* 
means /hear,/ not just /listen./ One must actually perceive and 
understand that which is being said." I take from this that *'Ij* 
implies an attempt to perceive sound, whether or not sound is perceived, 
while *Qoy* implies that sound is not only heard, but processed.

> 4. In a structure like*rut 'e' vIHar*, is it possible to have other elements (for example a locative) before the *'e'*?

Yes. In a sentence-as-object construction, each independent clause can 
apparently take its full complement of arguments.

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