[tlhIngan Hol] {-'egh} and {-chuq} with {-lu'}

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Sep 16 06:02:01 PDT 2021

On 9/16/2021 5:47 AM, luis.chaparro at web.de wrote:
> As an aside: Maybe I'm wrong, but I've always thought of the way prefixes work with *-lu'* when there is an object as a funny way to reflect the typical transformations from active to passive, i.e., the object in active become the subject in passive and the subject in active become the agent in passive, so*One has eaten the cakes*  (he / she - them) become*The cakes have been eaten by someone*  (they - by him / her).

You definitely shouldn't think of the Klingon indefinite subject as 
being related to any kind of passive voice. When you replace the subject 
with *-lu'*, everything else about the clause remains the same except 
for the prefix.

*jIH mulegh ghaH*/He sees me./

*jIH vIleghlu'*/Someone unspecified sees me. /(*jIH* remains the object.)

It's only in the English translation does anything to do with passive 
voice potentially appear.

We are told in TKD the reason the prefixes change with the indefinite 

    Since the subject is always the same (that is, it is always
    unstated), the pronomial prefixes... are used in a different way.
    Those prefixes which normally indicate first- or second-person
    subject and third-person object... are used to indicate first- or
    second-person object.

> Just a short question: With no object *-lu'* takes always the prefix 0, right?

Yes. Example: *quSDaq ba'lu''a'*/Is this seat taken?/ (Literally, /Does 
one sit in chair?/)

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