[tlhIngan Hol] Use of *-'e'* with adverbials

janSIy . kenjutsuka at live.com
Tue Oct 19 11:07:41 PDT 2021

> Sorry, but with *object-fronting* do you mean here (in the PB) topic or focus?

I'm not sure Kingons consider there to be a difference. Call it "fopic" - it brings attention and focus to the word, whether it is acting more like what English linguists call "focus" or more like what they call "topic" and whether it appears before any adverbs, in the traditional object location, in the traditional subject location, or after a subject pronoun acting as connecting verb.  For English speakers, I like to describe **-'e'** as having four uses, but I suspect that a Klingon would see it all as just the same single use applied in different situations.


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From: tlhIngan-Hol <tlhingan-hol-bounces at lists.kli.org> on behalf of luis.chaparro at web.de <luis.chaparro at web.de>
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2021 10:43:58 AM
To: tlhingan-hol at kli.org <tlhingan-hol at kli.org>
Subject: Re: [tlhIngan Hol] Use of *-'e'* with adverbials

Thank you for your reply, SuStel.

>> 1. Is this position optional or mandatory?
> It appears to be optional. "The adverbial may actually follow the object noun..."


> I think the stanza in paq'batlh you're referring to is indeed doing this object-fronting.

Sorry, but with *object-fronting* do you mean here (in the PB) topic or focus?

Only to be sure if I've understood it properly (I'm taking as a reference the classification you made in this post: http://lists.kli.org/pipermail/tlhingan-hol-kli.org/2021-October/018287.html):

a. The use in relative clauses and in copulas is clear. If not speaking about the subject or object of a relative clause or about a copula, then:
b. When *-'e'* goes on a subject, it's always focus.
c. When *-'e'* goes on an object which is not hanging out at the beginning of a sentence, it's focus.
d. When *-'e'* goes on a noun / noun phrase which is hanging out at the beginning of a sentence, it can be topic or focus (object as focus).

I've written some examples and I would be very glad to know if they are correct. Thank you for your patience!

1. paq'e' yIje' - Topic - As for the book, buy it - Context: We're speaking about several things, I've mentioned the book before and now I want to speak again about it and say something new about this matter (you should buy it).
2. paq'e' yIje' - Focus - Buy THE BOOK - Context 1: You aren't sure if you should buy the book or the movie and I want to encourage you to buy the book, not the movie / Context 2: You've misunderstood me, you think I've said: *Buy the movie*, but I've meant the book, not the movie, so I repeat my sentence emphasizing *book*.
3. paq'e' DaH yIje' - Topic - As for the book, buy it now - Same as above with adverbial. The version *DaH paq'e' yIje'* is not possible as topic.
4. DaH paq'e' yIje', paq'e' DaH yIje' - Focus - Buy THE BOOK now - Same as above with adverbial.
5. paq'e' (DaH) 'ay' wa'DIch yIje' - Topic - As for the book, buy the first part (now) - Since we already have an object, *paq'e'* cannot be focus.
6. paq'e' (DaH) 'ay' wa'DIch'e' yIje' (?) - Topic and focus (?) - As for the book, buy THE FIRST PART (now) - buy now the first part, not the second one or the complete book
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