[tlhIngan Hol] {'e' qa'} "instead of" with quotations

luis.chaparro at web.de luis.chaparro at web.de
Thu Oct 7 07:03:53 PDT 2021

> This is one of those cases of Okrand giving us what appears to be a fixed expression that doesn't follow the rules. I'm not sure it makes sense to ask what the subject of qa' is here.

Ok, thank you! I guess that's similar to what happens with the expression *qar'a'*.

By the way, thinking of another fixed expression, *tu'lu'*: I know Okrand compared it to English *there's* referring to plural, you were discussing that some weeks ago. But since I'm not an English native speaker, I don't know know how acceptable this use is in formal texts. Or in other words: when I write a formal text in Klingon, should I use *lutu'lu'* for a plural object, or is the form *tu'lu'* also acceptable?

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