[tlhIngan Hol] 'eSpanya' QISmaS (Beginner's text and questions)

luis.chaparro at web.de luis.chaparro at web.de
Tue Nov 23 13:06:11 PST 2021

>> Some days ago I asked how I could say in Klingon "embellish" with the meaning of making something beautiful more beautiful, rather than making something that isn't beautiful, beautiful. You proposed *'IHqu'choHmoH*, but maybe it doesn't work in this context. Actually, at first I wanted to speak about decorating our cities, so I wanted to express that our cities are already beautiful, but we make them more beautiful at Christmas (not that they are not beautiful and become beautiful). Then I omitted this part and I only wrote about decorating homes. Probably, speaking about homes, *'IHchoHmoH* would have been enough?
> If you want to talk about them becoming beautiful, use 'IHchoHmoH. If you want to talk about them becoming even more beautiful, or becoming stunning, use 'IHqu'choHmoH.

Ok, understood! Thank you!

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