[tlhIngan Hol] *'op* and inherently plural nouns / *-ta'be'* / *Get responsible!*
luis.chaparro at web.de
luis.chaparro at web.de
Sat Nov 20 07:11:40 PST 2021
Thank you, Dana'an, charghwI', SuStel and Lieven L. Litaer for your replies!
> If you'd like you could check out these discussions:
> http://lists.kli.org/pipermail/tlhingan-hol-kli.org/2019-September/013132.html
> http://lists.kli.org/pipermail/tlhingan-hol-kli.org/2020-April/014757.html
> http://lists.kli.org/pipermail/tlhingan-hol-kli.org/2020-April/014866.html
Thank you for these really interesting threads! I had searched the archives, but I didn't find them. They have been very useful!
I will try to illustrate what I've understood with a few examples:
*vISopta'* - I set out to do this action: eating / this action was accomplished (for example, I was hungry and I was looking for a restaurant, I found it and I ate)
*vISopta'be'* - I set out to do this action: eating / this action wasn't accomplished (I found no restaurant and I had to go to work without eating, see PK: *loDnI'wI' bIHoHta'be'*, *My brother, you failed to kill*)
*vISopbe'ta'* - I set out to do this action: not eating / this action was accomplished (for example, I was on a diet and I didn't eat anything at the party)
*wej vISopta'* - I set out to do this action: eating / this action hasn't been accomplished yet (I'm still looking for a restaurant)
*bong vISoppu'* - I didn't set out to do this action: eating / this action was accomplished (for example, if I've accidentally eaten the pit of a fruit) - if context is clear, *bong* is not necessary (*-pu'* doesn't say anything about wether I set out to do the action or not)
If I'm at least not totally wrong, I will be really happy!
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