[tlhIngan Hol] *-moH* with verbs of state / quality
luis.chaparro at web.de
luis.chaparro at web.de
Fri Nov 19 04:29:29 PST 2021
> I’m curious about how one would describe someone washing dishes carelessly enough to not check to make sure they actually are clean when done. They go through the motions of washing them, but it’s hit or miss as to whether or not the dishes are cleaned.
> {Say’Ha’moH} implies that the dishes were clean and he made them not clean, un-cleaning them, or miscleaning them. But it’s hit or miss. Some dishes come out clean. Some don’t. {Say’moHbe’} implies not going through the motions of washing.
> {Say’moHlaw’} probably comes closest, or {Say’moHchu’be’}. Then again, in English, there isn’t an efficient way of describing this, either. I guess one needs to just describe the action beyond a simple, well-formed verb. {Say’moHlaw’ ‘ach Say’moHchu’be’}.
> Other ideas?
Of course, I'm not an expert, but I like the idea of *Say'moHchu'be'*. To express the *hit or miss* part maybe we could say something like: *'op ngop neH Say'moHchu'* (*she / he causes only some plates to be perfectly clean*) or, if we want to focus on the change: *'op ngop neH Say'choHmoHchu'* (*she / he causes only some plates to become perfectly clean*).
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