[tlhIngan Hol] expressing baby animals (and words for dog)
James Landau
savegraduation at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 30 19:00:49 PST 2021
>Anyways, I just decided that until we get a Ca'Non way to express this>(yeah right, as if that's ever gonna happen..) I'll be using {Ha'DIbaH-ghu}
>like this:
>{vIghro'-ghu} for "kitten"
>{ngavyaw'-ghu} for "puppy"
>{bo'Degh-ghu} for whatever the hell you call baby birds in english.
Anyway, I hadn't thought of saying *vighro'ghu*, *ngavyaw'ghu*, *qovIjghu*, or *bo'Deghghu* before. I remembered reading that -Hom was the standard way to name the young of animals (on this mailing list, I believe). -Hom creates some problems, though: if *SarghHom* is "foal", then how do you say "pony"? I don't know what all of you think, but I think a *SarghHom* would be a pony and a *Sarghghu* would be a foal.
Then we have KLV Klingon/Standard Vocabulary - KLV, which uses *SarghHom* for "donkey". Foals, ponies, and donkeys all being SarghHommey? I don't think so! And then we'd have to figure out how to say "donkey foal". I don't know if Kronos has a donkey-analogue that's a different species from a regular Sargh, but it seems there's no really satisfactory way to say "donkey" (without getting cumbersomely long, like "Terran long-ear-having sark").
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KLV Klingon/Standard Vocabulary - KLV
Klingon Language Version of the World English Bible
And then, if I said *Sargh way*, I'm sure all of you would know what I meant. Or would *tera' Sargh way* or *'avrI'qa' Sargh way* be better?
>I thought of this possibility, and to be honest I can't feel much of a
>difference between a "cat baby" and a "baby cat", but perhaps being
>influenced from the Ca'Non {DI'raq loD}/{DI'raq be'}, which perhaps have
>nothing to do with the matter at hand, I prefer the {vIghro'-ghu} more. Let
>alone that the {vIghro'-ghu} is closer to the "baby of the cat" meaning.
I agree with your reasoning; if we put -loD and -be' at the end, why shouldn't -ghu go at the end?
Would a filly be a Sarghghube' or a Sarghbe'ghu? Or a Sargh be'Hom?
Also: I notice you usually use *ngavyaw'* in your translation for dogs. I'd imagine a dog like a poodle or a bichon frisé would be a qovIj. Why? *ngavyaw'* backwards sounds like White Fang, who was a wolf-dog hybrid, so I'd use *ngavyaw* for wolves and coyotes, and also lupine dogs such as Huskies. *qovIj* backwards is *jIvoq* -- I have faith, or I trust. This is the English translation of "Fido". People who speak English as a second language may or not know this, but Fido is used as an archetypal dog's name in English -- much as Fluffy is an archetypal cat's name (just look at the articles on WebMD), or Polly an archetypal parrot's name, or Dobbin was a standard name for horses in the earlier centuries in the English-speaking world. In fact, there was also an Italian dog named Fido who, like Greyfriars Bobby, was known for his extreme faith/loyalty to his master long after the master passed away! So I would call my sister's dog Poppin or my friend La Netta's bichon frisé Tussey a qovIj.
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