[tlhIngan Hol] Noun-noun constructions with conjunctions

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Nov 23 09:47:16 PST 2021

On 11/23/2021 11:05 AM, luis.chaparro at web.de wrote:
> If the conjunction in a noun-noun construction comes at the end, the resulting expression is ambiguous, right?
> *be' loD je paq* - *the book of the woman and the man*
> *be' paq, juH qach je* - *the book and the house of the woman* or *the book of the woman and the house*
> I suppose context will clarify and, if not, we could say something like *be' paq, juH qachDaj je* (*the book of the woman and her house*).

Yes, context will clarify.

> But what about *'op* or *Hoch*? In my last text I wanted to say *Some organizations, shops and churchs*. I think in English like in Spanish or German you would probably understand that I mean *Some organizations, some shops and some churchs*, but if I say: *'op DIvI', malja', chIrgh je*, does it also work in Klingon or must I repeat *'op*: *'op DIvI', 'op malja', 'op chIrgh je*?

It's also ambiguous. In English, and I assume in Spanish and German, 
/some organizations, shops, and churches/ can mean /some organizations, 
but also shops in general and churches in general,/ or it could mean 
/some organizations, some shops, and some churches./ In Klingon the 
*'op* will do the same thing. If you want to be absolutely clear, repeat it.

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