[tlhIngan Hol] Don't be alarmed, now.

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Mon Nov 1 08:10:29 PDT 2021

On 11/1/2021 10:43 AM, luis.chaparro at web.de wrote:
> SuStel:
>> I might translate this as yIbItqu'Qo' or yIbItHa'qu''eghmoH.
> I know the*general*  rule is to form the imperative of verbs of state or quality with the suffixes *-egh* and *-moH*. Doesn't it apply to the negative form? Or is there a difference between *yIbItqu'Qo'* and *yIbItqu'eghmoHQo'*?

I was wondering if someone would call me on that.

The rule seems to be very limited if we look at the semantics of the 
sentence. I use *-'egh* and *-moH* on *yIbItHa'qu* because it's a 
command to /make yourself un-alarmed,/ something to actively do. The 
command with *yIbItqu'* is a command not to enter an alarmed state, 
something that one doesn't actively do to oneself. I'm not entirely sure 
that *-'eghmoH* is needed here.

Maybe it would be better to say *yIbItqu'choHQo'*/Don't change state to 
being alarmed./

In general, I just don't know the answer to your question of whether the 
negative form requires *-'eghmoH.* If often feels wrong.

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