[tlhIngan Hol] Noun-noun constructions with relative clauses

luis.chaparro at web.de luis.chaparro at web.de
Mon Nov 1 07:20:19 PDT 2021

Thank you charghwI' and SuStel for your help!


> Using -'e' on the head noun of a relative clause is entirely optional,

So, if a potentially ambiguous relative clause (not only in a noun-noun construction) is in context clear or if I don't want to disambiguate it for whatever reason, I don't have to place *-'e'* in the head noun (but I can always do it if I want). Have I understood it correctly?

By the way, I know there are canonical examples of noun-noun constructions with noun + adjectival verb, but are there any canonical examples with a noun-noun construction containing a noun + relative clause?

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