[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: romuluSngan

luis.chaparro at web.de luis.chaparro at web.de
Fri Nov 12 13:41:15 PST 2021


> Sounds fine to me, but keep in mind that phrases like {'eSpanya'ngan(pu') Huch} also mean "the Spaniard's (or Spaniards') money" -- ie. a specific one or group. As usual, context is everything.

Yes, I know, thank you for your help!


> since speaking about *origin* is something we can usually do referring to the place or to the people who live in this place (of course, there were Spaniards who didn't live in Spain and used other currencies, but in a normal conversation and given the correct context, such an identification shouldn't be problematic, and I hope that's so for Klingons too).

Just for the completeness of the idea: *Origin* can mean place, person or source from which something comes. Sometimes the persons from whom something comes or originates are the people living in a place (considered as a whole or society), so saying that something has its origin in the inhabitants of a place is more or less the same as saying that it has its origin in that place (like, I think, when we speak about currency or cuisine or art or history). However, I guess that if I want to speak in Klingon about the *Spanish vegetation*, i.e., if I want to indicate the origin of that vegetation, only naming the place from which it comes, *'eSpanya' tI* (*the vegetation of Spain*), would make sense. Saying something like *'eSpanya'ngan tI* (*the vegetation of the Spaniards*) would sound strange to me, since the inhabitants are not the origin or the creators of the country's vegetation (nor are they otherwise its possessors).

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