[tlhIngan Hol] excuse me but what the jay' is {taymey}
sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Nov 11 06:10:13 PST 2021
On 11/11/2021 8:32 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> janSIy:
>> so it seems Klingons think even more strongly
>> about them as being separate from the narrative itself
> charghwI':
>> t’s a supportive add-on, not part of the
>> main thing divided into chapters. Does that help?
> I still don't understand, and perhaps it's because I'm trying to find
> a greek/english word for {taymey}.
In English, we have the phrases /front matter/ and /back matter/ (or
/end matter/) that refer to the sections that come before and after the
main body of the text, respectively. Front matter may consist of an
introduction, a foreword, a preface, a title page, a table of contents,
and so on. Back matter may include an afterword, an index, a
bibliography, a glossary, charts and tables, and so on. The front matter
and the back matter together are all of the *taymeymey* of a book.
> Could we assume that a {taymey} is something broader that just a
> chapter? That perhaps it could be many chapters taken as a whole, as
> long as these chapters collectively were about the same subject?
No. Size and scope are not what define a *taymey.* It is about whether
it is the main body of the text or another piece in support of the main
> But if that's the case, then perhaps a {taymey} could be a number of
> paragraphs within a chapter, provided that they dealt with a specific
> subject, a subject different than that of the rest of the paragraphs
> of that chapter.
No. Paragraphs in the main body of a text that are more specific than
other paragraphs are still part of the main body, and so are not
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