[tlhIngan Hol] And that's why I don't translate on weekends

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Sat May 29 06:54:47 PDT 2021

jatlhpu' qeylIS, joHma':

< qaStaHvIS vagh jaj, yImugh, 'a qaStaHvIS lojmItjaj jaj wa' je, yIleS >.

vaj qeylIS mu'mey vIlobnISmo', pagh vImugh, qaStaHvIS cha' jajvam.

jIHeghDI', yo' qIj vImuvmeH, qeylIS ra'bogh mu'mey vIlobnISba'pu'.

(After the "hellenic gods" posts, writing anything else in Klingon, has
become ridiculously easy).

~ Dana'an
nobmey qengbogh 'elaDya'nganpu''e' tIvoqQo'
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