[tlhIngan Hol] 'eSpanya' 'ewrop je (Beginner's text and questions)

luis.chaparro at web.de luis.chaparro at web.de
Thu May 27 04:30:51 PDT 2021

Lieven L. Litaer:

>I did not go much checking your grammar, but this kind of text would be very useful for the "Klingon Encyclopdia", a project I extracted from the former Klingon Wikipedia.

Danke schön, I'm honored! I don't feel confident enough in Klingon yet, but I keep it in mind for the future! :-)

Steven Boozer:

>I’d just like to suggest some other vocabulary (and examples) WRT groups and members thereof available to play with:

Wow! Thank you very much for such a detailed list, it's really helpful!

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