[tlhIngan Hol] leS "days from now" and numbers on plural nouns and inherently plural nouns

Will Martin willmartin2 at mac.com
Thu Mar 11 04:18:30 PST 2021

The world order is reversed from the normal noun-noun word order of N1’s N2 or N2 of N1. Look at {Hoch}. {Hoch SuvwI’} is “all soldiers”. {SuvwI’ Hoch} is the entire soldier or “all of the soldier”.

{wa’ SuvwI’} is “one soldier”. {SuvwI’ wa’} is “soldier number one”. 

I am honestly clueless as to how to translate {wa’ SuvwI’pu’} for the same reason that I don’t understand the meaning of the English “one soldiers”. In a place where there is usually affirming grammatical redundancy, the redundancy is broken. 

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> On Mar 11, 2021, at 7:04 AM, mayqel qunen'oS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> The word {leS} was given as "days from now". Not "day/days from now". 
> It *could* have been given though as "day from now", and noone would even flinch at hearing {wej leS} because adding a plural suffix isn't necessary. However, it was rather given as "days from now".
> And then we have the {wa'leS} for "tomorrow", which actually means "one days from now". On the other hand though, people do not usually say "one days from now"; they say "one day from now".
> So where am I going with all this?
> If we can say {wa'leS} for "one days from now", then how is it any different from the following?
> wa' yaSpu'vam 
> one of these officers
> wa' ghomvam
> one of this group
> wa' ray'vam
> one of these targets
> ~ Dana'an
> Ουαί υμίν γραμματείς και Φαρισαίοι υποκριταί
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