[tlhIngan Hol] Hoch and HochHom on inherently plural nouns

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Mar 4 06:04:00 PST 2021

On 3/4/2021 7:46 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> Do we know if we can use Hoch/HochHom on inherently plural nouns?
> Could we write {Hoch cha} for "all torpedos", and {HochHom cha} for 
> "most torpedos"?
> Or {cha Hoch} for "all of the torpedos", and {cha HochHom} for "most 
> of the torpedos"?

I don't believe we've ever seen *Hoch* or *HochHom* applied on either 
side of an inherently plural noun or an "inherently singular noun."

If I had to guess, I'd guess as follows:

*Hoch peng*/each torpedo/ (considered individually)/
/*Hoch cha*/all torpedoes/ (considered collectively)/
/*peng Hoch*/all of the torpedo/ (a complete torpedo)/
/*peng HochHom*/most of the torpedo/ (an incomplete torpedo)
*HochHom cha*/most of the torpedoes/ (not every torpedo in the set)

Not meaningful:

*HochHom peng
cha Hoch
cha HochHom*

I can see a case being made for *cha Hoch* and *cha HochHom* being used 
for /all of the torpedoes/ and /most of the torpedoes,/ respectively, 
instead of *Hoch cha* and *HochHom cha,* in that you can consider *cha* 
to be the singular set of torpedoes, and having a complete set would be 
all of the set, and having an incomplete set would be having most of the 

And, of course, I'm not considering the /scattered all about/ versions 
of these words.


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