[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: yergho

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Jun 14 07:02:41 PDT 2021

Klingon Word of the Day for Sunday, June 13, 2021

Klingon word: yergho
Part of speech: noun
Definition: wall of a city (from yer+gho)
Source: SKNG:07DEC1998

(st.klingon 12/07/1998):  The wall around a city is a {yergho}, which is apparently derived from {yer} “domain, holdings, territory" plus {gho} "circle.” 

(KGT 122):  A well-known Klingon myth tells of a man in the ancient city of Quin'lat who dies because, during a storm, he remained outside the walls of the city in order to show that he was not afraid of the storm and to make the storm respect him. Kahless, who was in the city at the time, remarked {qoH vuvbe' SuS} ("The wind does not respect a fool"), which has become a frequently repeated proverb.

PUN:  the walls of Jericho (Joshua 6:1–27)

veng 		city (n)
lojmIt 		gate,  gateway (n)

reD  		exterior wall (n)
pa' reD  	interior face of exterior wall (n)
tlhoy'  		(interior) wall,  interior face of exterior wall (n)

“The strength of walls depends on the courage of those who guard them.” (Genghis Khan)

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
    Please contribute relevant vocabulary from the last year or two. I’ve fallen 
    behind in updating my files and adding cross-references for related words.  

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