[tlhIngan Hol] an observation on the use of {vI'} "decimal point"

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Jun 15 04:46:48 PDT 2021

Read the following Ca'Non sentences:

HIvtaHvIS toQDuj cha'vatlh wejmaH Soch vI' vagh chorgh 'uj 'ab 'oH
Attack Formation Height: 82.75 M. (KBoP)

qughtaHvIS toQDuj HutmaH vI' jav wa' 'uj 'ab 'oH
Cruise Formation Height: 31.56 M. (KBoP)

SaqtaHvIS toQDuj wa'vatlh loS vI' jav chorgh 'uj 'ab 'oH
Landing Formation Height: 36.46 M. (KBoP)

At the above sentences we see, that the decimal numbers (if that's how
you call in english the crap that follows the decimal point), is given
by saying each number separately, instead of reading the whole number
as a unit:

> vI' vagh chorgh
> decimal point five eight
- not {vaghmaH chorgh} -

> vI' jav wa'
> decimal point six one
- not {javmaH wa'} -

> vI' jav chorgh
> decimal point six eight
- not {javmaH chorgh} -

~ Dana'an

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