[tlhIngan Hol] maS'e' loQ So'be'bogh QIb

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Jun 11 05:23:06 PDT 2021

There's the {maS'e' loQ So'be'bogh QIb} for the meaning of "crescent
moon". In this construction however, I can't understand the rationale
(*if* there's one to start with..), as a result of which the {maS'e'}
precedes the {loQ}.

Since a {-bogh} phrase is essentially a baby-sentence, it follows the
rules of the grown-up sentences; in tkd we read: "The adverbial may
actually follow the object noun (but still precede the verb) when the
object noun is topicalized by means of the noun suffix {-'e'}". And
then it proceeds by the example of {HaqwI' 'e' DaH yISam} "Find the

As a result of this example, I was under the impression that the
"adverbial following the object noun" is something usually taking
place in cases of emergency/distress. But what's the
emergency/distress in a moon that is crescent?

~ Dana'an

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