[tlhIngan Hol] hellenic gods - personified concepts part 5

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Jun 25 07:23:57 PDT 2021


*Eucleia* - spirit of good repute and glory.

*Eulabeia* - spirit of discretion, caution, and circumspection.

*Eunomia* - goddess of good order and lawful conduct.

*Eupheme* - spirit of words of good omen, acclamation, praise, applause,
and shouts of triumph.

*Eupraxia* - spirit of well-being.

*Eusebeia* - spirit of piety, loyalty, duty, and filial respect.

*Euthenia* - spirit of prosperity, abundance, and plenty.

*Gelos* - spirit of laughter.

*Geras* - spirit of old age.

*Harmonia*  - goddess of harmony and concord.


*eucleia* - QaQ vay’ bopbogh latlhpu’ vuD’e’; ghu’vam ‘oS qa’vam. ngay’ qa’.

*eulabeia* - jatlhtaHvIS/vangtaHvIS nuv, latlh/latlhpu’
mawbe’meH/tIchbe’meH, ‘ej vay’ pegh ‘otHa’be’meH, yep nuvvam; Hoj nuv;
narghbe’meH Qob, SuDqangbe’ nuv; Hochvam chIw *eulabeia*.

*eunomia* - Qap nugh, chutmey bIvbe’mo’ rewbe’pu’Daj; vangtaHvIS rewbe’pu’,
pabtaH; ghu’meyvam be’ ghaHbogh Qun’e’.

*eupheme* - QaQbogh tuch wanI’mey ghaSbogh mu’mey’e’; vay’ quvmoHlu’meH,
naDlu’, ‘ej naDlu’taHvIS, jachlu’; ‘evlu’; yay chavlu’taHvIS, jachlu’;
Hochvam qa’. naD qa’.

*eupraxia* - pIv/Quch/chep nuv; ghu’meyvam ‘oS *eupraxia*.

*eusebeia* - Qunpu’ vuv nuv; matlh; Qu’Daj buSHa’be’ vay’; Hochvam chIw
*eusebeia*. puqDaj/puqpu’Daj vuv nuv, ‘ej jaSHa’ latlh/latlhpu’ vuv je;
ghu’vam chIw je qa’vam.

*euthenia* - cheplu’; law’lu’; vey’lu’; ghu’meyvam qa’.

*gelos* - HaghmoH qa’vam.

*geras* - qan nuv; ghu’vam ‘oS *geras*.

*harmonia* - Qaplu’, Qochbe’mo’ nuvpu’; yeqlaH nuvpu’, Qochbe’mo’;
ghu’meyvam be’ ghaHbogh Qun’e’.

~ Dana'an
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