[tlhIngan Hol] darth bane quote

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Wed Jun 23 04:47:06 PDT 2021

Thank you SuStel for taking the time to read the original post and comment.
qeylIS knows I need improvement, and qeylIS knows that the only way to
improve is by being corrected.

> The strength to survive must come from
> within. Others will always fail you.
> Friends, family, fellow soldiers.. In the
> end each person must stand alone. When
> in need look to the self.
> tIq 'oHnIS taHmeH HoS mung'e'. reH
> nIbelHa'moH latlh.
> In the English, *others* is clearly not
> referring to the strength or the place
> within, so it obviously refers to other
> people. In your Klingon, on the other
> hand, it's not at all clear that *latlh* isn't
> referring to another heart or another
> origin.

Yes, you're right. While writing, I remember placing the {nI-} prefix,
thinking that using a plural suffix is redundant.. However, I didn't
consider that the reader wouldn't be able to know (without reading the
english original) whether the {latlh} would be describing "other people" or
"other origins".

> *nIbe'HalmoH* also seems a poor
> substitute for *fail you.* Maybe *reH luj*
*> DuboQbogh nuv** people who assist you*
*> will always fail.* Or maybe he's saying the
> strength of others will always fail you:
> *reH SoHvaD luj latlh HoS** the strength of*
*> others will always fail for you.*

I didn't like the {belHa'} too.. But when I thought of using the {luj} I
wondered whether its' "fail" meaning is of the "not win" kind, or of the "I
failed you" kind. I didn't know the answer, so I went with the inferior -
for the occasion - {belHa'}.

> juppu', qorDu', latlh negh.. tagha' nIteb
> SIQnIS nuv.
> I'd go with *tagha' nIteb SIQnIS Hoch nuv*
*> **In the end, each person must endure alone*
> or *tagha' nIteb SIQnIS nuv tlhIn** In the*
*> end, an individual person must endure*
*> alone.*

You're right on using {Hoch nuv}! I forgot to double-check with the
original, so I didn't see the "each person".

But your suggestion of {nuv tlhIn} confuses me; this use of the verb
{tlhIn} seems strange. Reading {nuv tlhIn} gives me the impression that
there are many people, and we're talking about someone who is
"attributable/particularly associated with something/someone".

> When in need look to the self.
> bItaHnIStaHvIS, yIbuS'eghtaH.
> You've changed a *when* to a *while* for no
> reason I can see.
> Just as the original ties the first sentence
> with the last, talking about what's within,
> you should do the same in Klingon. *boQ*
*> DapoQDI', tIqlIj yIbuS** When you require*
*> assistance, focus on your heart* (the place
> you said was the origin of the strength to
> endure).

Re-reading the original I understand your comment on using {-DI'} instead
of {-taHvIS}. I think I must have been influenced by one of the ways the
greek "when" works.

However, it was a conscious choice to write {yIbus'eghtaH}; the sound of
"continuously concentrate/focus on/think only about yourself", gives a
self-centered/selfish "feel" which is what the sith are all about.

~ Dana'an
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