[tlhIngan Hol] expressing "the nerve of this guy"

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Jul 14 07:05:47 PDT 2021

Thank for providing the original context.  It does change the discussion a bit!


From: tlhIngan-Hol <tlhingan-hol-bounces at lists.kli.org> On Behalf Of De'vID
On Tue, 13 Jul 2021 at 22:31, Steven Boozer <sboozer at uchicago.edu<mailto:sboozer at uchicago.edu>> wrote:
I thought of {qajunpaQ} “courage,  audacity “ too, but this seems to be a form or recklessness in battle, perhaps of the sort that usually gets one killed.  "You speak of courage. Obviously you do not know the difference between courage and foolhardiness." (Kor, TOS "Errand of Mercy")
And AFAIK we have one example:
 SomrawDu'Daj teb qajunpaQ
 His muscles filled with rage (PB)

I also thought of {qajunpaQ} and think it's exactly the word mayqel is looking for. We have the example of the original usage on screen, from the DS9 episode "Blood Oath". (The word was clearly invented by someone other than Dr. Okrand, then backfitted into Klingon by him in KGT.)

Here's the entire dialogue:
      [ … ]
(Kor and Koloth leave. Dax joins Kang at a table.)
DAX:    You can't deny my right for vengeance.
KANG: You try to speak as a Klingon but the words do not fit in your mouth.
DAX:    You said that to me before, Kang. Do you remember?
KANG: I do not care to discuss it any further.
DAX:    The Korvat colony. First day of negotiations. I walked out on you right in the middle of that long-winded speech of yours. You should have seen the look on your face. *Nobody ever had the kajunpak't to show their back to the great Kang before Curzon did.*
KANG: I almost killed Curzon that day.
DAX:    I knew I had to get you very, very angry or my mission wouldn't succeed. Getting you angry at me was the only way to begin to create a bond between us.
KANG: Curzon understood Klingons.
      [ … ]

"Nobody ever had the kajunpak't (sic) to show their back to the great Kang before Curzon did" sounds exactly like the Klingon equivalent of chutzpah to me. "Can you imagine the nerve of that Curzon? Walking out on the great Kang, in the middle of an important speech, like that?"

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