[tlhIngan Hol] hellenic gods - personified concepts part 12

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Jul 29 05:52:13 PDT 2021


*Ptocheia* - spirit of beggary.

*Roma* - a female deity who personified the city of Rome.

*Soter* - male spirit of safety, preservation, and deliverance from harm.

*Soteria* - female personification of safety, preservation, and deliverance
from harm.

*Sophrosyne* - spirit of moderation, self-control, temperance, restraint,
and discretion.

*Thanatos* - spirit of death and mortality.

*Thrasos* - spirit of boldness.

*Tyche* - goddess of fortune, chance, providence, and fate.

*Zelos* - spirit of eager rivalry, emulation, envy, jealousy, and zeal.


*ptocheia* - latlhvaD Soj/Huch/latlh je nobmoHmeH nuv, latlh qoy’ nuvvam,
Huch Hutlhchu’mo’.

*roma* - roma’ veng ‘oS be’ ghaHbogh Qunvam’e’.

*soter* - vay’ Qanlu’chu’bogh; taH nuv; nuvvaD narghchoHtaHvIS Qob, nuvvam
toDlu’; Hochvam ‘oS loD ghaHbogh qa’vam’e’.

*soteria* - vay’ Qanlu’chu’bogh; taH nuv; nuvvaD narghchoHtaHvIS Qob,
nuvvam toDlu’; Hochvam ‘oS be’ ghaHbogh qa’vam’e’.

*sophrosyne* - vangtaHvIS nuv, Sun ‘agh; SeH’egh nuv; tlhoy
tIvbe’meH/tIwbe’meH/nongchoHbe’meH nuv, nID; vuS’egh nuv; wuqtaHvIS nuv,
wIv lugh wIvlaH; Hochvam qa’.

*thanatos* - Hegh nuv; jubbe’; ghu’meyvam qa’.

*thrasos* - nguqchu’ nuv, latlhpu’ vuvbe’ nuvvam, ‘ej latlhpu’vam maw ‘ej
tIch chabalmeyDaj; Hochvam qa’ ghaH *thrasos*‘e’.

*tyche* - Do’lu’, cheplu’, mIplu’; vay’ luSaH ‘ej Qorgh Qun; ghu’meyvam
Qun. ‘eb San je be’ ghaHbogh Qun’e’.

*zelos* - ngoQ rap luchavmeH cha’, nID, ‘ej wa’vaD ghol Da latlh, ‘ach
naHchoHbe’; vay’ chavmey chav je nuv neH nuvvam, ‘ej nID; vay’ QaQ ghaj wa’
‘ej ‘e’ Sovmo’ latlh, ‘oy’ latlhvam, vay’vam neHtaHvIS, ‘ach
SuqlaHbe’taHvIS; vay’ QaQ ghaj wa’, ‘ach vay’vam Hutlhmo’ latlh, wa’vaD
naHchoH latlhvam; vay’ chavqangchu’ nuv, ‘ej Sey; Hochvam qa’.

~ Dana'an

*respect the gods *
*(third delphic maxim)*
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