[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: Hey

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Fri Jan 29 07:24:42 PST 2021

Klingon Word of the Day for Friday, January 29, 2021

Klingon word: Hey
Part of speech: verb
Definition: battle or fight against one's own group (not the supposed enemy)
Source: Star Trek Into Darkness, qepHom 2013

toH, Hey Humanpu'.  qatlh DISaH? 
Why should I care about a human killing humans?  (STID)

From a mispronunciation of {Hegh} "die" (De'vID, 11/20/2014).

(KGT 47):  In addition to these general terms, there are a number of specific words relating to specific types of battle or engagement.  First of all, there is a set of verbs that can each be translated "clash with", "encounter", "engage", and the like, but these translations do not make the differences between the words clear.  They are differentiated by degree, ranging from something like "struggle in a minor skirmish" to "engage in a major melee".  Arranged in ascending order of ferocity, they are:  {Qor, tlhaS, vay, lul, Hargh}.  If Klingons engaged in shadowboxing, {Qor} might be appropriately applied, while {Hargh} would be reserved only for situations approaching Armageddon.

Qor  		fight, battle (very minor fight) (v)
tlhaS  		fight, battle (relatively minor fight) (v)
vay  		fight, battle (midlevel ferocity) (v)
lul  		fight, battle (relatively major fight) (v)
Hargh  		fight, battle (major confrontation) (v)

Suv  		fight (v)
HIgh 		fight dirty (v)
Sol 		quarrel (v)
vID 		be belligerent (v)

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
    Please contribute relevant vocabulary from the last year or two. I’ve fallen 
    behind in updating my files and adding cross-references for related words.  

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