[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: taHqeq

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 22:53:57 PST 2021

On Thu, 14 Jan 2021 at 14:46, Lieven L. Litaer <levinius at gmx.de> wrote:

> {HolQeD} 12:3, pages 8-10 - September 2003
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<
> There is, however, an expression that serves a similar role, including
> the defiance but lacking the exasperation. If one were to hear one
> Klingon say to another, {bItaHrup'a'}? <are you prepared to continue?>
> ({bI-} <you>, {taH} <continue>, {-rup} <ready, prepared, {-'a'}
> <question>), one should probably either stand back or get closer,
> depending upon whether one thinks a fight or stimulating round of curse
> warfare is about to ensue. The expression carries the element of
> defiance only if the pronominal element is second person ({SutaHrup'a'}
> is the form used when addressing a group rather than an individual
> [{Su-} <you (plural)>]). {taHrup'a'} means merely <is he/she (orare
> they) ready to continue?> It's just a question. Even with a
> second-person pronoun, in a context that is clearly nonconfrontational,
> the phrase {bItaHrup'a'} (or {SutaHrup'a'}) could be used to convey its
> literal meaning, <Are you ready to continue?"> [[":=]] The defiant sense
> of the expression, however, is more common.
> Maltz felt sure that there was a connection between this expression and
> the expletive {taHqeq}, but he couldn't explain exactly what the
> connection was.
>  >>>>>>>>>>>

Amazing. I wonder how many tidbits like this are floating around in
miscellaneous articles (HolQeD, newsgroup postings) which most people
aren't aware of? I've been quite meticulous in collecting these things (and
documenting them in the {boQwI'} database), but I've somehow missed this.
Someone really needs to make an updated edition to The Klingon Dictionary
which incorporates information like this.

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