[tlhIngan Hol] using chegh without an object
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Feb 18 07:39:11 PST 2021
More examples:
wa'leS jIchegh
Tomorrow I will return. KGT
nIteb chegh molor ngIq ghoqwI'
One by one Molor's scouts return PB
naDevvo' chegh pagh
[published translation not available] (PB)
lojmItDaj veghta'DI' jubbe'wI'
yInqa'meH chegh 'e' botnIS qotar
Still, Kotar cannot let a mortal
Pass his gates and return alive [PB, p.122-23]
cheghDI' bangwI' jItIw
[translation not provided] (qepHom 2017 p.13)
DaH Suto'vo'qor vIjaH 'ach 'opleS jIchegh 'e' vIlay'
["I go now to StoVoKor, but I promise to come back one day."]
(NON-CANON: DSC, motto on *darsek* coin quoting Kahless)
-----------------------------------Original Message-----------------------------------
From: Lieven L. Litaer
Am 18.02.2021 um 14:09 schrieb mayqel qunen'oS:
> DaH machegh
> I'd rather expect to hear {DaH wIchegh}. The {DaH machegh} gives me
> the impression of cheng saying, "now we return somewhere unspecified
> on something which is unspecified too"
Why? It's so clear what he's talking about. Like in English "We're returning".
Just like any other verb without object: {DaH maSop} "We eat now", {DaH maSuv} "we're fighting", ... and I can say {DaH jIghItlh}.
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