[tlhIngan Hol] imperatives with {-'eghmoH} and verbs of activities

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Sun Feb 21 06:18:11 PST 2021

Interesting.. According to kgt:


{yItaD!} or {petaD!} ("Be frozen!") These are idiomatic ways to give the command "Don't move!" The word {yItaD} is used when speaking to an individual; {petaD} is used when giving the command to a group. The verb {taD} means "be frozen," and it is used here in a peculiar, though not really ungrammatical, way. Generally, when a verb describing a state of being (for example, {tuj} ["be hot"]) is used in the imperative form, the suffixes {-'egh} (reflexive suffix) and {-moH} ("cause") are used as well: {yItuj'eghmoH!} ("Heat yourself!"---that is, "Cause yourself to be hot!"), {yItaD'eghmoH!} ("Freeze yourself!"---that is, "Cause yourself to be frozen!"). When {taD} is used in the idiomatic sense of "not move," however, it is treated as if a verb describing an activity, such as {yIt} ("walk"): {yIyIt!} ("Walk!").


Before (re)reading this, I was under the misconception, that when forming imperatives, the {-'eghmoH} is required on every verb which happens to be intransitive.

But now, after (re)reading the relevant kgt Ca'Non, I understand that the {-'eghmoH} is required *only* on verbs of "state of being".

So we say {yItuj'eghmoH}, {yIQuch'eghmoH}, {yIyoH'eghmoH}, but we say {yItIw}, {yIQong}, {yIHu'}, etc.

~ Dana'an

remain klingon

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