[tlhIngan Hol] expressing "they are there"

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Wed Feb 17 06:14:38 PST 2021

Am 17.02.2021 um 15:00 schrieb mayqel qunen'oS:
> If this is correct, then why would it be wrong to say {pa', chaHtaH
> chaH'e'} ? It's a simple substitution: "there, are they".

I'm not saying it's wrong, but I belive it's just redundant as the
English "They, they are there."

Basically, the form is {[location] [pronoun]+taH}

Another example from ST5:
  {DujHomDaq ghaHtaH} "He is in the shuttle."

The pronoun can do the job of the verb: {ghaH} means "s/he is" in this
context. There is no need to state or repeat the subject. It's also
included already.

It's okay to add the subject as a pronoun for emphasis. From TKD:
{jIlujpu' jIH'e'} "I was ME who failed" (not someone else)

So you might say {pa'Daq ghaHtaH ghaH'e'} to say that "it's him who is
in the room, (not they)".

I hope you understand what I mean. (I'm sure somebody will jump in and
corect my linguistically incorrect wording, but I think the basis of
what I say should be understandable)

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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