[tlhIngan Hol] is the choice between -Daq and -vaD influenced by the way something is given?

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Mon Feb 15 05:10:06 PST 2021

Read the following:

yaSvaD taj vInob
I give the knife to the officer

yaSvaD taj vIqem
I give the knife to the officer by bringing it to him

yaSvaD taj vIngeH
I give the knife to the officer by sending it to him

So when giving something to someone we use the {-vaD} regardless whether we
bring it to him, or send it to him.

But would we use the {-vaD} too even if we threw the knife to him?

Ha'DIbaHvaD chuvmey vIvo'
I give the leftovers to the animal by throwing them to it

Would this sentence be correct, or does the {vo'} change something, thus
making the choice of {-vaD} wrong?

I don't see any reason for the choice between {-Daq} and {-vaD} to be
influenced by the way something is given, but I'd like to verify this.

~ Dana'an
guess who's coming to dinner
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