[tlhIngan Hol] Why the half-measure of 'e' neHbe' vavoy?

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Sun Feb 14 07:09:22 PST 2021

> bIpawpu'DI', qagh vIneH. When you
> arrived, I wanted gagh.
> I'm describing your arrival as completed:
> you're standing before me. I'm describing
> my desire without the perfective, because
> my desire is not completed when you
> arrive.

Ok, I understand this. But let me ask you something..

Yesterday, a romulan beams down in my room, punches me, and then leaves.

Looking back on the event, should I write: {jIHDaq narghpu'DI', muqIppu'}
or should I write {jIHDaq narghpu'DI', muqIp}?

Instinctively, I'd choose to say {jIHDaq narghpu'DI', muqIppu'} ("as soon
as he has appeared he has hit me"). But I get the impression that this
could be understood as "by the time he appeared he had already hit me",
i.e. the hitting took place before the romulan's arrival.

~ Dana'an
the ancient cat I want alive
the rest I'll grind beneath my boot
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