[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: mu'mey Doy'

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Dec 22 07:14:57 PST 2021

Klingon word: 	mu'mey Doy'
Part of speech: 	noun
Definition: 	tired words (used to refer to the language used by older Klingons)
Source: 	[ KGT ]

(KGT 35f):  The primary difference between the speech of older and younger Klingons, however, lies in the choice of vocabulary. Younger Klingons describe some of the vocabulary used by their elders as {mu'mey Doy'} ("tired words"), preferring to use what they call {mu'mey ghoQ} ("fresh words") or even {Hol ghoQ} ("fresh language") ... It should be pointed out that the vocabulary associated with rituals, martial arts, literature, opera, and the like, though some of it may be genuinely archaic, is not considered {mu'mey Doy'} ("tired words"). Traditions are extremely important in Klingon culture, and the younger generation honors them fully. The term {mu'mey Doy'} is used only in reference to everyday speech.

(KGT 143):  As with other aspects of the speech of the younger Klingons, many older Klingons, particularly those most resistant to any change in Klingon society, avoid using slang and deride its use. There are some older Klingons, on the other hand, who use slang quite comfortably, especially when communicating with younger Klingons. The disagreement about the status of slang is reflected in the terms used for "standard" or "proper" Klingon words. As noted earlier, those who tend to favor the use of slang often call standard words {mu'mey Doy'} ("tired words"). Those who dislike the use of slang, on the other hand, refer to standard words as {mu'mey qar} ("accurate words").

Doy' 		be tired (v)
qan 		be old (not young) (v)
notlh 		be obsolete (v)
tIQ 		be ancient (v)

qup 		elder (n)

mu'mey ghoQ  	slang (n)
mu'mey ru'  	temporary/made-up words (n)

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
    Please contribute relevant vocabulary or notes from the last 
    year or two. I’ve fallen woefully behind in updating my files.

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