[tlhIngan Hol] hard truths about the future

Tim Stoffel tim at lionlamb.us
Sun Dec 26 14:58:59 PST 2021

This is precisely why you need a committee of diverse background people
who are willing to work together, and respect each others' opinion. In
the case of a commercial project that needs a special piece of
vocabulary, the committee as a whole would be aware of this, and may
act on it differently than an individual suggestion. But that said,
there are undoubtedly reasons why you might accept an individual
suggestion and reject a commercial request, or vice versa. This is also
a good reason to make individual vocabulary requests anonymous, so that
there is no personal bias in accepting or rejecting such a request.
There is also nothing that would prevent a committee from making an
alternative suggestion for vocabulary requests they turn down.

In the end, no matter what is done, there will never be a perfect way
to deal with a situation where an entity has to carry on for a language
creator who is no longer able to do the job. Their vision can never be
captured perfectly. Maybe just as important as the language itself is,
there has to be a really solid understanding of the cululture that
gives rise to the language in question. A history of the language is
also a very useful thing to have, something that I have not seen in
Klingon, but is present in other conlangs. Those of you who know David
Peterson, know he is really into linguistic history. And it can be seen
in the languages he created for GoT.

Tim Stoffel


-----Original Message-----
From: mayqel qunen'oS <mihkoun at gmail.com>
Reply-to: tlhingan-hol at kli.org
To: tlhingan-hol at kli.org
Subject: Re: [tlhIngan Hol] hard truths about the future
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2021 13:48:57 +0200


Returning to the original subject, there's the matter of objectivity
of such a committee which needs to be discussed.

A fan asks for a word, and the committee responds that such a word is
unnecessary. But one can wonder:

1. If a member of that committee is hired by lets say a software
company, in order to translate something for them, and a new word is
needed, then what will that committee member think of first? The needs
of the language, or the needs of his bank account?

2. Would someone who's into klingon professionaly accept to join such
a committee in the first place, if the prerequisite was not to use
klingon professionaly, in order to ensure his objectivity?

3. Any member of such a commitee could deny the request of an simple,
ordinary fan. But if another member of the same committee wanted a
word, then would the other members deny the request of their buddies?
Because chances are that the people of that committee would already
know each other for decades.


QIn tlheghvam Soj wa'DIch vIDIghqa'. wuqtaHvIS Sarvam yej, yejvam

wa' mu' chu' HevmeH wa' Hol vIlle', tlhob, 'a tagha' jang yejvam: <
'utbe' mu'vam >. 'a SIvchoH vay':

1. nIqHom malja'vaD vay' mughmeH wa' yejvam jeSwI', nuvvam DIl
malja'vam, 'ej ngoQvam chavmeH nuvvam, mu' chu' chennISmoH nuvvam;
chay' ngugh vang nuvvam? wa'DIch nuq qel 'ej buS? mu'mey'e'
ghajnISbogh Hol qel'a' 'ej buS'a'? beylI' HuchDaj qel'a' 'ej buS'a'?

2. nuvvam SIghbe'lu'meH, - Sarvam yejDaq jeStaHvIS  - not Holmo' Huch
HevnISqa'chugh nuvvam, DuHvam lajqang'a' nuvvam, Sarvam yejDaq

3. vIlle' motlh, vIlle' le'be' chabal lajlaHQo' Sarvam yej jeSwI'. 'a
yejvam jeSwI' chabal lulajlaHQo''a' latlh yejvam jeSwI'?  maqochchaj
lubelHa'qangmoH'a' latlh yejvam jeSwI'? yejvamDaq jeSchoHpu'pa' 'op,
qaStaHvIS maH DIS poH law', juppu' chaHchugh, chay' wa' nuv chabal
lajlaHQo' latlh?

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