[tlhIngan Hol] hard truths about the future

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Dec 24 04:10:11 PST 2021


> It’s clear that you don’t consider me to be an expert. Same for the original Grammarian

Interesting.. According to the klingon wiki: http://klingon.wiki/En/RichYampell

***** quote starts *****
Rich Yampell (Klingon name Qanqor or "Krankor") is a very experienced
Klingonist and the first official grammarian of the KLI. He wrote
regular grammatical columns in HolQeD, summarized in a book named The
Grammarian's Desk in 1997. He was one of the instructors at the first
Klingon Language Camp. At qep'a' javDIch in 1999 he received the award
of being a Friend of Maltz.
***** quote ends *****

But, there is something very interesting written by SuStel at the
following thread:

*****quote starts*****
Krankor's grammar is /not/ to be interpreted as canonical, or even good.
Much of what he wrote was composed before a lot of later information was
obtained, and Krankor largely refuses to update his understanding of the
language when new information appears or when our understanding of the
grammar changes.

Upon his learning of something new Okrand has said regarding the
grammar, I have heard him flatly refuse to follow it simply because he
didn't like it.
*****quote ends*****

So charghwI', why should I consider an expert a person who "largely
refuses to update his understanding of the language when new
information appears or when our understanding of the grammar changes.
Upon his learning of something new Okrand has said regarding the
grammar, I have heard him flatly refuse to follow it simply because he
didn't like it."?

And you don't have to answer because the answer is self-evident: I shouldn't.


- Daj.. SovmoH klingon wiki
- 'a Dajqu'bogh vay' jatlhpu' SuStel
- vaj charghwI', qatlh Sarvam nuvvaD po'wI' vIDamnIS?  'ej
bIjangnISbe', nIteb nom janglaHmo' vay': Sarvam nuvvaD po'wI'

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