[tlhIngan Hol] don't talk to me like this you..

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Mon Dec 6 04:57:03 PST 2021


I must have seen hundreds of cat memes, but I've never seen one describing
more accurately the way cats see humans, than the following one.

There's a sentence saying "when you scold your cat for breaking something".

Below there's a picture of an angry woman (representing the cat).

And below the picture there's the words said by the cat to the human:

"Don't talk to me like this you f*** can opener!".



vatlh law' vIghro' memes vIleghbejpu', 'a vIghro'mey Delchu'bogh meme'e'
memevam qar law' Hoch qar puS. qarchu' memevam, Humanpu' bopbogh vIghro'mey
vuD chIwchu'mo'.

wa'DIch wa' mutlhegh tu'lu': < vay' ghorpu'mo' vIghro'lIj, vIghro'lIj
DaqunchoHpu'DI'.. >

bIngDaq be' QeH mIllogh tu'lu' (vIghro' 'oSba' be'vam).

'ej mIlloghvam bIngDaq qonlu'pu' (HumanvaD mu'mey jatlhbogh vIghro' bIH):

< jIHvaD mu'vam tIjatlhQo', Soj ngaSwI' poSmoHwI' jay'! >


Ζεὺς ἦν, Ζεὺς ἐστίν, Ζεὺς ἔσσεται· ὦ μεγάλε Ζεῦ
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