[tlhIngan Hol] does the {'e' qa'} express a preference supplemental
sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Dec 2 06:06:21 PST 2021
On 12/2/2021 7:50 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> But
> what I've just wondered is this: Why can't we express the "I prefer to
> learn Klingon instead of Vulcan" by just placing a {'e' vImaS} after
> the {'e' qa'}? I mean like this:
> {tlhIngan Hol vIghoj; vulqangan Hol vIghoj 'e' qa' 'e' vImaS}
> Granted, stringing together two {'e'}s in a row isn't perhaps the best
> thing to do, but that aside, doesn't the sentence above mean too "I
> prefer to learn Klingon instead of Vulcan"?
Maybe? In English, /instead of/ is an adverbial phrase, but in Klingon
*'e' qa'* is a complete sentence. The thing that is replacing something
is a separate complete sentence. When you yet another complete sentence,
*'e' vImaS,* which refers back to *'e' qa',* are you saying you prefer
that it replace something? Are you saying you prefer the replacement
instead of the original? Is there any significant difference between these?
Your proposed sentence has four independent clauses in it. Are you sure
*'e' vImaS* is referring to the correct clause?
It's /probably/ okay, but it's a mess. You'd need a native speaker to
confirm or deny to get a better answer.
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