[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: tem

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Aug 16 08:35:26 PDT 2021

Klingon Word of the Day for Saturday, August 14, 2021

Klingon word: 	tem
Part of speech: 	noun
Definition: 	electron
Source: 	qep'a' 23  [2016]

AFAIK never used in a sentence.

HeySel 		atom (n)
’o’rIS 		molecule (n)

pay'an 		[atomic] particle (n)
yomIj 		neutron (n)
valtIn 		proton (n)
ngochjuH 	quark  (n)
tat 		ion (n)

SuqSIv 		core (of apple, planet, sun) [use for nucleus?] (n)

Hap 		matter (n)
rugh 		antimatter (n)

ngIng 		have a negative charge (v)
ruS 		have a positive charge (v)

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
    Please contribute relevant vocabulary from the last year or two. I’ve fallen 
    behind in updating my files and adding cross-references for related words.  

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