[tlhIngan Hol] Beginner's text and questions

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Sun Aug 22 00:51:28 PDT 2021

> 'elmeH chaw'mey je'lu'ta'bogh
> will-call tickets  (Washington Shakespeare Company)

I think there's {lu-} missing; it should be {'elmeH chaw'mey luje'lu'ta'bogh}

> polmeH jav QujwI' lIwmey
> 6 collectible tokens (Monopoly)
> When there is a number stated the number is inserted
> between the VERB + {-meH} and the noun which has the plural suffix
> As always remember that plural suffixes are optional in Klingon,
> especially with a number (which makes it clear there's more than one).

I think there's something important to clarify here, especially since
luis chaparro is a beginner: there are things in Ca'Non which should
be followed to the letter, and there are things in Ca'Non which aren't

An example of something which needs to be followed to the letter, is
the way {Hoch} works.

On the other hand though, as our Ca'Non master correctly said, "plural
suffixes are optional". So one *could* write too {qeqmeH jav taj} for
"six training knives".

Also, I don't think that the number should necessarily follow the
{-meH}ed verb, under pain of death. Personally, I don't like seeing
the number following a {-meH}ed or a {-bogh}'ed verb. So, I'd write
{jav qeqmeH taj} instead of {qeqmeH jav taj}.

If there's a rule explicitely stated by 'oqranD, then I'll be the
first to follow it; but if someone told me that in cases as the one
described I should write exactly as 'oqranD wrote, then I'd tell that
person to go **** himself.

It's supposed to be the warrior's tongue; not the ass-kisser's tongue,
not the mindless drone's tongue. On the other hand, if someone gets
aroused by blindly following others' choices, pissing his pants in
fear at the very idea of developing his own style, then who am I to

~ Dana'an

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