[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon (at least pseudo-Klingon) in Bart Simpson #84 comic book

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Thu Apr 22 23:39:26 PDT 2021

Am 21.04.2021 um 04:01 schrieb Russ Perry Jr:
> The lack of case differences and apostrophes have kept me from trying to translate, but the top-most bit is meant to be “my head hurts” I believe, as it parallels Bart hitting his head and waking up speaking Spanish earlier in the story.

This is very interesting to see!

fixing the case and apostrophes, I get this:

{'oy' teS Quch}
"it hurts, ear forehead"

{qal qaH Hawq QoghIj}

It's possible this is is a transcription from a name. Is there a "Mister
Hawk" in the story?
literally it say "Mister Hawk's brain is corrupt."

"your" or "forget"

{Haq no'och}

The first is "surgery/do surgery", but {no''och} is a word for forehead.

Summarizing this, I believe it is the result of the Bing-translator.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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