[tlhIngan Hol] {-DI'} and {-chugh} with {vaj} and {ghIq}/{ngugh}

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Apr 15 06:31:06 PDT 2021

> but I do say you should carefully consider
> just why you're adding these adverbials
> at all. Is it perhaps to mimic Greek or
> English?

jISovbe'.. chaq muSIgh 'Inglan Hol/'elaDya' Hol, chaq mIt qunI'meyvam 'e'
vIjem, vay' vIqontaHvIS. chaq quvyaH neH 'oH. jISovchu'be'.

'ej chaq muSIgh je 'oqranD {vaj} lo'.

'a mu'meylIj vIyaj, 'ej bIlugh; raqchugh vay', 'ej pagh De' 'ut chelchugh,
vay'vam lo'nISbe'lu'.

vaj quvyaHvam qab vIQaw'meH, jInIDchoH.

~ Dana'an
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