[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: ta'

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Apr 12 07:34:42 PDT 2021

Klingon Word of the Day for Sunday, April 11, 2021

Klingon word: ta'
Part of speech: noun
Definition: emperor

(KGT 14):  Throughout Klingon history, and still today, if the leader of the Empire carries the title {ta'} (Emperor)...

(Lieven < MO, 1/01/2018):  The emperor's castle/palace is simply {ta' jem'IH}. If, however, the emphasis is to be on the elegance or grandeur of the {jem'IH}, there's another word that can be used: {DuHmor}. A {DuHmor} is a type of {jem'IH}, so it's a good place for the emperor to hang out. For clarify, you can say {ta' DuHmor}.  The emperor's official residence would more likely be referred to as a {DuHmor} than a {jem'IH}, but not necessarily always. Klingon ships, of course, are battle-ready, so any ship designed to be the residence of the emperor might, I suppose, be referred to as a {jem'IH} or {ta' jem'IH}. And if it's a particularly grand place, then {DuHmor} or {ta' DuHmor} could make sense." 

ta' DuHmor		the emperor's official residence 
ta' jem'IH		the emperor's castle/palace 
ta' tlhIngan Hol  	the Emperor's Klingon (i.e. the standard dialect)
   ta' Hol  		   standard dialect
ta'puq 			 prince (n) TLP < TKH
   ta'puq mach  		   "The Little Prince" (tr. by Lieven L. Litaer, 2018)

voDleH  		emperor (n);  king GIL/TLP

voDleH Ha'DIbaH  	emperor's meat (n) KGT 
(KGT 90f):  If the meat is somewhat older, a common preparation technique is to {HaH} (marinate) it in any of a wide variety of concoctions containing {'Iw} (blood) and/or {vIychorgh} (sap) as a base, along with assorted animal parts. Meat prepared in this style is also called {voDleH Ha'DIbaH} (emperor's meat), again with the specific animal used instead of {Ha'DIbaH}; for example, {voDleH lIngta'} (emperor's *lingta*). (Presumably there was an emperor at one time who liked his meat prepared in this fashion.) 

(Lieven, 7/3/2019):  I know it's based on nothing and just my feeling: I think that due to its length, {voDleH} sounds a lot more "majestic", more formal. The word ta' sounds like an everyday speech word, that is {problably} used more often in daily speech. All of this is just theory of course. I probably feel the same in English, where "King" sounds less important to me than "The Emperor". Since I liked the sound and the uniqueness of the word, I translated "King" with {voDleH} in "The Little Prince.” 

Someone (I don't remember who) once speculated that {voDleH} may be etymologically related to {betleH}, {meqleH}, {tIqleH}, and {''aqleH} - all types of ancient bladed weapons.  Might this refer to a type of traditional weapon associated with the emperor, perhaps as a sign of office (like King Arthur's Excalibur or a scepter)?

The Second Dynasty ended when General K'trelan assassinated Emperor Reclaw. For the next 10 years the empire was ruled by a council elected by the people. Modern-day Klingon historians refer to this as the Dark Time. (DS9 "You Are Cordially Invited...")

At Worf's suggestion, and with the support of High Council leader Gowron, Kahless II (the clone created by the clerics of Boreth) was installed as the ceremonial Emperor of the Klingon people in 2369. (TNG "Rightful Heir")

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
    Please contribute relevant vocabulary from the last year or two. I’ve fallen 
    behind in updating my files and adding cross-references for related words.  

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