[tlhIngan Hol] expressing "twice as much" the {-qu'} doubled

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Apr 2 10:06:35 PDT 2021

> Why not translate Black Speech as Hol
> qIj?

jISovbe'.. {Hol qIj} vIlo' 'e' vIQub, QIn wa'DIch vIqontaHvIS, 'a ghIq
jIQubpu': < chaq {Hol qIj} vIlo'chugh, tolkien black speech yajlu'be'. >

Hol qIj vIQejchu'; Hol qIj vIghojlaH net jalchugh, SIbI' ghe''orDaq
tlhIngan Hol vIngeH.

Do'Ha' mu'tlhegh puSqu' neH qonpu' tolkien, vaj Hol'e' lo'laHbogh vay'

Unfortunately, it's a love that can never be..

~ D
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