[tlhIngan Hol] {Dam} in reference to verbs instead of nouns

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Apr 30 04:58:56 PDT 2021

{Dam} lubopbogh cha' Ca'Non mu'tlhegh tu'lu':

HumanvaD 'urwI' wIDam
we treat the human as a traitor

'urwI' ghaH 'e' vIDam
I consider him (to be) a traitor

cha' mu'tlheghvam DInuDchugh, vaj matlhoj: DIp ('urwI') lo' Hoch
mu'tlheghvam. 'a mu'tlheghDaq DIp tu'lu'be'chugh, 'ej wot tu'lu'chugh, vaj
jaSHa' {Dam} lo'laH'a' nuv?


Dun SuvwI'vam 'e' vIDam
I consider this warrior to be great

lugh'a' {Dam} lo'vam?

~ Dana'an
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