[tlhIngan Hol] two klorns of bloodwine, a bottle of water

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 00:10:56 PDT 2021

> How would you say "two klorns of
> bloodwine"? For example, "I want to drink
> two klorns of bloodwine"?

{cha' tlho'ren 'Iw HIq vItlhutlh vIneH}

In english you say "two klorns *of* bloodwine", but the "of" is just an
english-required thing. In greek we just say "I want to drink two klorns

> How would you say "a jug of water" (or
> "three jugs of water", etc ), meaning water
> served in a water jug. (That is, how would
> you refer to the water in the water jug,
> and not the jug itself, bearing in mind that
> {bIQ bal} is defined as "water jug" in
> KGT.)

{bIQ'e' ngaSbogh wa' bIQ bal}
{bIQ'e' lungaSbogh wej bIQ bal}

~ Dana'an
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