[tlhIngan Hol] useless useless {loch} verb

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Apr 22 08:58:57 PDT 2021

On 4/22/2021 8:03 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> 'op ret {loch} wot chenmoHta'DI' 'oqranD, SIbI' jIQubpu': < maj, DaH 
> mu'vam vIlo'taHvIS, jIjatlhlaH "the enemy destroyed two thirds of our 
> ships". > 'a {loch} vIlo'taHvIS, not mu'tlheghvam vIqonlaHpu' ghIq 'e' 
> vItlhoj.
> vaj chay' mu'vam lo'laH vay' jay'? *lo'laHbe'chu'law' mu'vam.

*mID HubmeH Sa', yo' Hoch lochbogh nawlogh ngeHpu'.
*/To defend the colony, the general has sent a squadron, a fraction of 
the entire fleet./

*mangghommaj Sangpu' jagh. majeghnIS.
*/The enemy has obliterated our army. We must surrender.
/*bo'Degh'a' Dalo'. QaSmaj lochwI' mach HoHpu'. yap noDmeH HoSmaj.
*/You exaggerate. They have killed a small fraction of our troops. We 
have the strength to retaliate./

I might even expect something like this:

*HochHom Dujmaj Qaw'pu' jagh: wej loch cha'.
*/The enemy has destroyed two-thirds of our ships.
/(Literally, "The enemy has destroyed most of our ships: two-thirds.")


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