[tlhIngan Hol] {-DI'} and {-chugh} with {vaj} and {ghIq}/{ngugh}

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Apr 15 04:52:45 PDT 2021

choqIpDI', ghIq/ngugh pagh qa'atmoH
as soon as you hit me, at that time/subsequently I'll disinherit you

choqIpchugh, vaj pagh qa'atmoH
if you hit me, in that case I'll disinherit you

cha' tlhIngan mu'tlheghvam vorgh vIlaDtaHvIS, jumbogh pagh vIjem. 'a DaH

choqIpDI', vaj pagh qa'atmoH
as soon as you hit me, in that case I'll disinherit you

choqIpchugh, ghIq/ngugh qa'atmoH
if you hit me, at that time/subsequently I'll disinherit you

cha' tlhIngan mu'tlheghvam vIlaDtaHvIS, jumlaw' vay', 'a pagh pab chut

vaj merghchugh {-DI'} {vaj} je, 'ej merghchugh {-chugh} {ghIq/ngugh} je,

~ Dana'an
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