[tlhIngan Hol] 'op preceding plural pronouns

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Wed Apr 14 14:23:09 PDT 2021

On Sun, 11 Apr 2021 at 15:10, mayqel qunen'oS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:

> 'op ret jIQubpu': < {'op}vaD nuv/Doch law' lIw mu' nungmoHchugh vay', vaj
> "some of them" jatlhlaH >.
> 'op chaH vIQoypu'
> I heard some of them
> 'a jISovchu'be'; < lugh {'op} lo'vam > Qub wa' yabwIj 'ay', 'a < muj {'op}
> lo'vam > Qub latlh yabwIj 'ay'..
> chaq {'op chaH} jatlhchugh nuv, yajlaH je latlh: "an unknown or
> unspecified quantity of {chaH}s", i.e. "some {chaH}s".
> vaj jIwuqlaHbe'.
> DaH vay' vISovchu'; jatlhlaH vay': < {'op vIQoy'pu'} neH Dajatlhchugh,
> yapbe''a'? >
> .. yap. yap*bej*. 'a muSIvmoHbe' mobbogh {'op}; muSIvmoH lIw mu' nungbogh
> {'op'}e'.

tlhIngan mu'ghomDaq mu'tlheghmeyvam tu'lu':

{mulegh cha'} "Two (of them) see me."
{wa' yIHoH} "Kill one (of them)."

'utbe' lIw mu'. yap {'op}.

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